Social Events

Day 1 - Carnival/Bonfire

To be held on the first day of the event, the carnival will feature rides, food stalls, and a ballin' time for everyone. Along with this, we'll have a bonfire to fight that January evening chill.

Day 2 - Concert

A staple of MUNs and debates conferences, especially in Islamabad, the concert will feature a surprise performer, great music, and an all-round great show for everyone to enjoy. What's great is that the tickets aren't limited to only delegates, so the concert is going to be even bigger than the itself (if that's possible).

Day 3 - Formal Dinner

MIBAC is all about the debates in the end, and the formal dinner is what brings it all to a beautiful end. The award ceremony, and the end of a revolutionary event. The formal dinner is considered by some to be one of the most significant parts of the event.