
What is MIBAC?

71 years under the UN charter, the world is yet to achieve "Global Peace". Why? Is it because the UN has not emphasized the need for achievement of peace enough, or is it because they do not follow what they endorse? Yes we talk about how countries need to change the ways they run, but the practical steps are missed out from the meetings.

MIBAC, Margalla International Baccalaureate Academic Conference, is an academic conference aiming to provide a platform to young diplomats. The purpose of the conference is to challenge and inspire the youth to bring forth change in the world. By providing an intellectually engaging environment, delegates will be encouraged to come up with diplomatic solutions to problems we face as an international community and their further implications onto individual nations.

Our journey began back in June of this year. After having been to a plethora of MUN conferences in the last couple of years, we had seen the best, the worst, and just average of conferences in the twin cities and elsewhere. We had seen the development of MUN conferences from a simulation of the actual United Nations to a mere social event. From then on we were set for a mission to revolutionize or somewhat back track MUN conferences, and bring them back to the goal they were intended to achieve--raise minds to be the ideology behind change. Our definition of change is not making masses change their ideology spontaneously, it is rather mending our own ways to inspire those around us. Change begins with ourselves, and we are who need most of the fixing.


United Nations Security Council

Pakistan National Assembly

Disarmament and International Security Committee

Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee

International Crisis Ad-Hoc Cell

United Nations Environment Programme

International Court of Justice

Contact Us

Secretary General
Ahsan Sarwar

Under Secretary General
Furqan Hafeez

Chief of Staff
Anmol Zafar

Yahya Assad Rana